
Showing posts from January, 2020

Final Outcome Planning

Theme: My theme is of street photography but mainly corroded and manipulated images  I want my work to be displayed in a booklet to convey a documentary feel to the work I will either purchase a booklet or take my own then i’ll attempt to change the features of the booklet by burning, cutting and potentially painting.  Outcome Description: I would like to make several outcomes, as I have many images that I can apply to my work.      I also would make several booklets and display them on metal stands.   All of my images would also be manipulated to fit a corroded and distorted design, as the work i would produce would be similar to rural street photography. Further photos I need: I need to take images using camera film, as i believe i get more well developed images, and more contrast with the black and white. I plan to take both portrait and landscape images in the theme of street photography  Composition/Lighting: In my images, there will be a heavy contrast as