Final Outcome Planning

My theme is of street photography but mainly corroded and manipulated images 
I want my work to be displayed in a booklet to convey a documentary feel to the work
I will either purchase a booklet or take my own then i’ll attempt to change the features of the booklet by burning, cutting and potentially painting. 

Outcome Description:
I would like to make several outcomes, as I have many images that I can apply to my work.      I also would make several booklets and display them on metal stands.  
All of my images would also be manipulated to fit a corroded and distorted design, as the work i would produce would be similar to rural street photography.

Further photos I need:
I need to take images using camera film, as i believe i get more well developed images, and more contrast with the black and white. I plan to take both portrait and landscape images in the theme of street photography 

In my images, there will be a heavy contrast as they are portrayed in black and white, I have added features to make the images appear gritty and worn. This is all connected to my style within street photography, which involves either close up portraits, or wide shots of a grey and dark society.  

Materials Needed:
I will attempt to buy my own booklet preferably with black card paper inside, but if I cannot i’ll make my own booklet using cartridge and black card paper. 

Outcome tests I need to do:
I need to test the best materials my images would be printed on, as well as how strong the materials are because as apart of my theme of gritty street photography, i will burn, tear and maybe paint on my booklet, so i would ideally want materials that would be able to hold together after all the abuse. 


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